The complete random rambling of a crazy stitcher who also does balloons, face painting, and dresses up in costume on occasion. THIS IS WHO I AM! You have been aptly warned.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Reasons I did what I did
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Tick Chart and Stitching for Lyme

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Ironworkers Local 433 Chart
The hat is knit with the spud wrench pattern only, included in the knitting. The "433" was added later to both sides using duplicate stitch because (and I learned this the hard way) when you follow a pattern in double knitting it has to be reversible... which most letters and numbers are not...
If you have trouble saving the chart to your computer, I'll email it to you. keriboyle (at) yahoo. If enough people ask, I'll make it a pdf or something.
So what do YOU do when you can't sleep?
So when I deleted all my internet crap, I decided that a big reason for doing it was that I wanted to protect my kids. Then it occured to me that I can't COMPLETELY leave them out of my blog (as referenced by the picture below), so I'm going to compromise by changing their names. Right now all I have is "Chicken-face" for my daughter, (there's a story), but eventually I'll come up with names for my 2 sons as well. I just don't want to use DD and DS like everyone else. That's just me being me.
I'm having mixed feelings about deleting all my old posts. It's kind of like going back and destroying your high school journal: it's cleansing, but you can't help but wonder if there was something important or insightful somewhere back there... Of course, in order to find that insightful-ness, you'd have to go back and re-read all the crap, and I just don't have the energy for that. Not to mention I deleted the pictures from my Flickr without thinking which ones might be important... that sucks... (Did you know you can't easily find out which of your pics are linked somewhere? Unless I'm completely retarded, which is possible, but if there are links that need pics with them, I have all the old pics on my computer - I just need to re-upload them to Flickr.)

I've also been working the BWAT office a lot, since I can't be any princesses other than Fiona from Shrek 3 anymore, due to my huge belly.
I've only got like, 6 more weeks to go, though, and I'm getting REALLY nervous... I'm having the baby at home, all natural and stuff, and it's kind of just now starting to get in my head that "oh by the way this is going to HURT." I know I can do it, but it's all that insecurity and what-not that's getting in my head.
Anyway, that's all I have time for now. I forgot how time-consming blogging is...
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Being safer, or maybe just letting go
Monday, February 15, 2010
Flock and schtuff
I might be using this as a "home office" since I can't use the computer in the living room and still claim it as a tax write off... Dude... taxes SUCK. Right now we're fighting to have some of our refund given back to us after it was offset to pay back some old student loans... normally I'd just leave it alone and chock it up to experience, but I was kind of planning on that money to, oh, pay for the delivery of my third child? Also, most of the refund was supposed to be Bill's so it's not really fair that he's been married to me for 4 months and he has to pay for my debts, is it? Anyway, that's what I did TODAY and maybe I'll actually post again in the next few months... MAYBE I'll get a bug in my ear and upload my pictures to Flickr and I'll actually have PICTURES in my next post! We shall see.
Ok so a half an hour before I left for my gig tonight, Billy goes to check the mail. Inside is a letter from a lawyer, and a notice that there's a certified letter at the post office from the same lawyer.
In the letter the lawyer states that he has been retained by my mom, and that I have 7 days to respond. Also that she was "devastated" by her ... See Morenot being able to see her *3* grandchildren (although the first time she came over after Aaron was born, she didn't acknowledge, look at, ask about, or try to see him), and that she "loved" me and my husband, which is complete BS since she's told me straight out that she doesn't like me.
He goes on to say that he wants to "resolve the situation amicably" by letting her see the kids again. I just don't know if it's worth all the hassle. Maybe she can just come over here on Mondays for a couple hours while one or both of us is here. But she is such a negative influence, and is not a healthy person for Kyle to be around. He did something last week that was TOTALLY dishonest, directly relating to her. And she's so inappropriate with what she talks to him about. Like he's an adult... I don't know.
I can't believe she even has the opportunity to do this. Like, when did it become ok for the court to have the opportunity to tell me how to run my family? I'm not a drug addict. I'm not an unfit mother; the whole point of this whole thing was in, what I believe to be, the kids' best interests...
I'm reposting this on my blog, where I'm going to start logging everything... I'm so pissed that I deleted everything on there... I'd have saved myself so much time.
ANYWAY, if you read this, thanks for letting me vent. Any and all suggestions are more than welcome. :)