Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Holey Twisted Scarf, Batman!

I made another pattern! Yay!

The name for this pattern came from the holes and the twisting that happens with the stitch pattern. Unfortunately I didn't realize it doesn't always twist as it depends on the particular yarn... but the holes are always there!

I've found that the yarn you use has a huge impact on the finished product - stiffer yarns make for more twisty-ness - so experiment! It's a super easy and super quick project!

Yarn: Some kind of Bulky-ish wool. Like on the line between Bulky and Worsted.
Needles: Size US 13 straights

CO 14 stitches.
Knit 2 rows.
Next row (and every row after that): (K2, YO, K2tog) 3 times, K2.
Knit until... oh... however long. (Make sure you have enough yarn for the last 2 rows.)
Knit next 2 rows.

So essentially you're doing the same stitch pattern for every single row except the first two and the last two. I bet if you purl back every other row it would twist even more. Maybe. It would be interesting anyway.

The first picture is of the twisty pattern. The second is of the lacy holes. Both are the same pattern, just shown differently depending on whether the scarf is pulled lengthwise or fanned out horizontally... I hope that makes sense. If not let me know and I'll make it clearer.

You can felt the scarf a little if you want the YOs to be more prevalent, but I like the lacy look, and I think the almost hidden row patterning is pretty cool. :)

EDIT 1/4/08: I went to make this scarf again and realized that the wording in the pattern is a little confusing. The clarification is in red. :)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Speckled Washcloth

Hi ya'll! I made up a pattern. Although I'm sure I'm not the only one. I did NOT copy this out of a book. I was messing around and came up with it. Also, I've never written a pattern like this so give me a break if is sucks, ok?

Speckled Washcloth


Lily Sugar N Cream in Country Side Ombre
Size: 9 Straight Needles

Cast on 40 stitches using long tail cast on.
Knit 3 rows.
Row 4: *Knit 5, slip one, yo, k2tog* repeat from * until 5 stitches remain, K5.
Row 5: K5, Purl to last 5, K5
Row 6: *Knit 5, k2tog, yo, slip 1* repeat from * until 5 stitches remain, K5.
Row 7: K5, Purl to last 5, K5
Repeat rows 4-7 12 times, or until 9" long from CO edge, ending on a row 7.
Knit 3 rows.
Bind off.


ETA: "K5" at the end of rows 4 and 6. Duh. Sorry to anyone who got confused. Edits are highlighted in red.